Wednesday, May 8, 2019

A Description of Human Geography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A Description of Human Geography - assignment ExampleSome of these include the birth rate, death rate, fertility rate, natural increase rate and energy universe growth. All the rates are ratios and their functions are that these aspects are utilize to check on the cosmos change. The aspects of ratios and rates form the population dynamics, which are treated with critical and spatial information that helps in evaluating the fundamental interaction between physical geography and human geography. b) The concept of population cohorts theory is also referred to as population pyramid theory. It is a graphical representation of the five-year age groups called the cohorts. The information in the population pyramid is used in various government sectors, for example, the economic demand notion for teenagers with the sociological concept. This helps the government in responding accurately to various matters such dependency ratios. b) On the other hand, Muslim refers to a person who follows the religion of Islam. Muslim refer to an individual who submits himself or herself to deity. They consider Quran as a book containing the word of paragon and that word revealed to the Islamic prophet Muhammad. b) The Islamic religion has five tugboats of faith and they are five observable features that distinguish Islam from other religion like Christianity, Judaism and Buddhism religions of the world. The first pillar of faith is that no God valued of worship but Allah. In this pillar, the profession of faith require Muslims to bear witness to the oneness of God and Muhammad is his messenger. The second pillar is prayer. The inherent pillar relies on assumption that every individual have a direct relationship with God and therefore individuals should pray five times a day. The third pillar is giving charity where social responsibilities are considered part ones service to God. Payment of a specific self-will to the welfare of the community is an act of purification and growth .

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