Monday, September 30, 2019

Cultural Differences and Emotional Intelligence Essay

During an the assessment of several countries, values of open-mindedness, inclusion, respect and tolerance are more likely to be attained within a prospectus that encourages the increase of Emotional Intelligence (EI). In this research paper, the role of EI in determining leadership effectiveness was reviewed to explain emotional characteristics specific to five countries: Nigeria, Mexico, Russia, Argentina, and China. These countries were included in a study called Project Globe. GLOBE is the acronym for Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness. In this study, four cultural clusters were utilized, and the role of emotional intelligence was evaluated in determining leadership effectiveness. Emotional Intelligence was appraised more favorably than technical skills and cognitive skills, especially when referring to social skills, and transformational/charismatic leaderships were preferred across cultures. The intent of the collaborative effort of Team 4 was to explore the cultural values and practices in five different countries and to identify their impact on organizational practices and leadership attributes. One way to explore cultural similarities in the world is to study cultural clusters which are a group of countries that share many similarities. The countries in a cluster are more like each other than another country from outside the cluster (Javidan & House, 2002). A study conducted by the consulting firm KPMG (Project Globe) tested the proposition linking EI and cross-cultural leadership by surveying managers from four cultural clusters (Anglo, Latin European, Eastern European, and Southern Asian). Project GLOBE was a multi-phase, multi-method research project in which some 170 investigators from over 60 cultures representing all major regions in the world joined forces to examine the interrelationships between societal culture, organizational culture, and organizational leadership. Clustering of nations was a real-world way to depict intercultural similarities as well as intercultural differences- 61 nations were categorized into 10 distinct clusters. Four clusters and their respective leadership styles and traits were evaluated: the Anglo cluster; the Latin Europe cluster; the Eastern European cluster; and the Southern Asia cluster. The Anglo Cluster included Australia, Canada, England, Ireland, New Zealand, South Africa (Nigeria), and the United States of America. These countries are all developed nations, predominantly English speaking, and among the wealthiest countries in the world. Charismatic, team-oriented, and participative leadership styles were perceived to be the most effective in the Anglo Cluster. The charismatic leadership behaviors included being visionary, motivating, and appealing to the fundamental values of followers. Self-awareness of interactive skills may be a crucial component to manager effectiveness in high power Anglo cultures. Each national culture carries definite leadership behaviors that are perceived to be applicable for that specific country. Being charismatic in Australia can sometimes conflict with the importance of impartiality for successful leadership-therefore, a leader must be visionary and inspirational but still be viewed as â€Å"one of the boys† (Ashkanasy, Trevor-Roberts, & Earnshaw, 2002). The barometer for measuring someone’s level of emotional intelligence is a function that is used though domains that have been emphasized by analysts. Three tests that have been utilized are the ability model, the mixed-ability model, and the personality model. The ability model is measured with the Mayor-Salovey Emotional Intelligent Test using four types of abilities: perceiving emotions, using emotions, understanding emotions and managing emotions. The mixed ability model was used to test for emotional intelligence. The five main concepts of this measurement are self-awareness, social responsibility, adaptability, stress management and general mood. The personality model was used to measure a series of behavior test and is used more as a self-reporting test. The use of the emotional intelligence concepts in the workplace has increased business performance. Higher levels of emotional intelligence has resulted in better performance in certain areas in the workplace such as better participative management, putting people at ease, self-awareness, balance between personal life and work, straight forwardness and composure, building and mending relationships, decisiveness, confronting problem employees and change management. Managers can also be toxic for the workplace based on their attitudes-this is where the concept of resonance plays a vital part. The use of literature on emotional intelligence and its utilization is very minimal in Nigeria. There is no significant difference in occupational stress between secondary school teachers with low emotional difference and those with high emotional intelligence. The effect of emotional intelligence with work-family issues resulted in a conflict within the workplace. Emotional intelligence should be considered in employee selection and placement process for managerial effectiveness to be guaranteed-the managers with high emotional intelligence should be posted to highly challenging managerial positions and vice versa. Leadership qualities in Nigeria are very poor and implementing emotional intelligence can improve their economy. Improvement includes more intelligent Nigerian leaders who can improve the professional performance in their organizations through emotional intelligence. The perceptions of Nigerians can be shaped and made as a result of training in emotional intelligence which will produce Nigerian leaders who will lead by example. The Latin European cluster consists of France, French Switzerland, Italy, Portugal, Mexico, and Spain. In Latin Europe, charismatic/values-based, team oriented, and participative leadership were considered the most effective leadership attributes which included being visionary, inspirational, self-sacrificial, having integrity, decisiveness and performance orientation. Team-oriented leadership compromises collaboration, team integration, diplomacy, and administrative competence (Jesuino, 2002). Emotionally self-aware leaders can be candid and authentic, able to speak openly about their emotions or with conviction about their guiding vision (Goleman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2002). This statement is true and can be seen in Mexico’s business practices. For example, in Mexico, emotions are not suppressed in business situations and discussions can appear to be hostile to those from a culture which frowns upon the any visible shows of emotion during business dealings (â€Å"Doing Business†, n. d. ). A visionary leader can impact this process positively by honoring the feelings and beliefs of the people around him, while steadfastly demonstrating the benefit of moving toward the company goal (Goleman et al. , 2002). This outward show of emotion is seen as a positive attribute and implies commitment and emphasis. Meetings are seen as opportunities for the free flow of ideas and information — although it is best to avoid very open disagreements with the most senior Mexican present as this could be construed as disrespectful and confrontational. Open signs of emotion, through the use of interruptions and speaking loudly, are seen as a sign of active engagement rather than an unnecessary loss of control. When a Mexican becomes highly emotional during a meeting one should not assume that they have lost their sense of professionalism (â€Å"Doing Business†, n. d. ). Emotion is an important factor that contributes to Mexican business meetings. Creating organizations that are emotionally intelligent is ultimately the leader’s responsibility. It is up to the leaders to help the organization identify its reality and assist their members to uncover their own roles in that vision (Goleman et al. , 2002). Social awareness-particularly empathy-is crucial for the leader’s primal task of driving resonance. By being attuned to how others feel in the moment, a leader is able to provide a sense of shared values and priorities that can guide the group. Empathy-which includes listening and taking other people’s perspective-allows leaders to tune into emotional channels between people that can create resonance (Goleman et al. , 2002). The Eastern European cluster encompassed Albania, Georgia, Greece, Hungary, Argentina, Kazakhstan, Poland, Russia, and Slovenia. In the Eastern European cluster, the key elements of successful leadership were compiled mostly of transformational-charismatic and team-oriented leadership. Participation has some historical roots in the region, as large consultative bodies combined with authoritarian leadership style has been a prevailing pattern in status conscious eastern societies. Extensive research and several studies have been conducted over the last decade in regards to emotional intelligence and leadership styles in Russia. Van Gardner (2010) stated, â€Å"this recent focus on developing organizational leaders is largely a result of the recent changes in the political and economic environments in Russia, following the country’s recovery and stabilization from its financial crisis of 1998† (Van Genderen, 2010, p. 77). A Leadership Dimensions Questionnaire (LDQ) was used to assess prevailing leadership styles. Three distinct leadership styles were identified: engaging leadership (transformational), involving leadership (participative) and goal leadership (transactional). The leadership’s success is a result of a threshold of cognition (IQ) and high levels of Emotional Intelligence (EQ)-the three paradigms IQ, EQ and MQ (managerial competencies) were highly correlated. An interesting result of the investigation was that no significant differences were found between the Russian men and women participating in the research (Van Genderen, 2010, p. 86). Human resources has become an important factor within an organization-the only sustainable competitive advantage organizations of the future will possess is the value added by their employees. Designing effective leadership development programs to foster such executives has been described as ‘the biggest challenge that looms in the new millennium for HR managers† (Van Genderen, 2010, p. 88). This holds true for all organizations. Instituting confidence and reciprocal respect establishes smooth transitions when conducting business transactions in Argentina. Serenity can guarantee accomplishment as it may take several visits to the country to finalize any business transactions. Dealing with organizational leaders is time-consuming due to the many levels of decision making combined with an enormous amount of bureaucracy. Generally, greetings among industry people is a handshake and a brief nod of the head. This is appropriate to both men and women. Once a connection has been made resulting in friendship, hugs and kisses become the standard form of greeting. Eye contact is encouraged and personal space is minimal; pulling back will create an atmosphere of untrustworthiness. The glue that holds people together in a team, and that commits people to an organization, is the emotions they feel (Goldman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2004). The Southern Asia cluster consisted of India, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Philippines, China, and Thailand. Transformational–charismatic and team-oriented leadership are perceived as the most effective leadership styles (Gupta, Surie, Javidan, & Chokar, 2002). Leaders are expected to act as patriarchs who help subordinates point towards more aspiring and mutual goals by ensuring their actions and decisions develop and maintain the team and family orientation in their organizations. The global leader needs to be open to arbitrations and viewpoints to make sure he/she does not alienate any group members. When it comes to China, four very different traditional Chinese leadership approaches are identified and discussed by Emotional Intelligence Expert Sebastien Henry. This discussion provides us a starting point for our analyses. The four historic leadership approaches Henry examines are: legalistic, strategic, naturalistic, and humanistic (Henry, 2009). It should be noted, according to Mr. Henry, â€Å"none of the four leadership styles give a lot of room to emotions when it comes to leading people. † (Henry, 2009) The legalistic approach (Han Fei Zi) was characterized as perhaps the most contradictory to the principals of emotional intelligence as there was the belief that man was â€Å"naturally evil and that strict rules and punishment were needed† (Henry, 2009. The strategic approach (Sun Tzu) is also not considered to be overly EQ aligned as, within this approach, thoughts on leadership were famously applied to the winning of battles with little focus on the use of emotions in other areas. Interestingly, the very famous book The Art of War, a famous ancient Chinese military work was authored by the high ranking military general Sun Tzu. In the naturalistic approach (Lao Zi–Chuang Zi), also known as the Taoist approach, the emphasis is on the spiritual development of the leader. â€Å"The accomplished leader is the one that followers barely notice: almost invisible, unassuming, but nurturing and always present, just like the Tao† (Henry, 2009). We find some of the concepts in the traditional naturalistic approach to perhaps represent a precursor to present day EI concepts, and although emotional intelligence expert Sebastien Henry concludes, â€Å"there is not a lot in the Dao De Jing ( ) about the emotional side of leadership except that the leader has to aim at ultimately reaching within herself a place of deep inner peace that emotions won’t affect,† which is precisely what we see as perhaps the precursor to current EI concepts (Henry, 2009). Lastly, the humanistic approach (Confucius, Mencius) is often believed to be the approach that is most closely aligned with emotions and the concepts being discussed by Goleman and other emotional intelligence experts. The concept of compassion, a concept many consider a fundamental principal of emotionally intelligent leadership, could be closely linked to the famous Confucian concept of benevolence which is fundamental to the humanistic, Confucian approach. Going forward, while it may or may not appear that the Chinese were overly concerned with emotional intelligence in their traditional leadership methods, recent developments indicate there is little chance the Chinese will be left behind in the exploration, experimentation, and utilization of the promising, performance enhancing benefits of emotional intelligence in the immediate future . Very recently, a Chinese Communist Party publication, the Study Times, published a 3000-word article entitled the Emotional Quotient and its Three Major Components. It seems clear this article was a response to Chinese President Xi Jinping’s public statement that â€Å"it isn’t one’s educational background, integrity, experience, or people you know that matters. What it takes to be a good communist leader President Xi said is Emotional intelligence† (Li, 2013) . Overall, any way you look at it, what seems clear is that in most Asian cultures-as well as in Latin America and some European countries-establishing a strong relationship is a prerequisite for doing business (Goldman, Boyatzis, & McKee, 2004, p. 64). The countries that participated in Project GLOBE provide to managers a meticulous instrument to help recognize the similarities and differences among various cultures worldwide. The most valuable message managers in any culture can take from this study is to take a proactive and positive approach to resolving issues, especially those involving cross-cultural issues. The findings and insights from Project GLOBE can and should at the very least be utilized to enlighten managers on how to better manage the conveyance of information and knowledge across cultural borders. References Ashkanasy, N. M. , Trevor-Roberts, E. & Earnshaw, L. (2002). â€Å"The Anglo Cluster: Legacy of the British Empire† Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 28-39. Doing Business in Mexico – Mexican Business Culture – Mexican Culture – World Business Culture. (n. d. ). World Business Culture: Key information on Business Culture in the World’s Leading 39 Economies. Retrieved Sept 5, 2013, from http://www. worldbusinessculture. com/Mexican-Business-Style. html. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & Mckee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Learning to lead with Emotional Intelligence. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & Mckee, A. (2002). Primal leadership: Realizing the power of Emotional Intelligence. Boston, Mass. : Harvard Business School Press. Goleman, D. , Boyatzis, R. , & McKee, A. (2004). Primal Leadership. Resonant leadership, 20. University of Birmingham Intranet. Retrieved on 1 Sept 2013 from: https://intranet. birmingham. ac. uk/as/employability/careers/international/country- profiles/argentina/business. aspx. Gupta, V. , Gita, S. , Javidan, M. , & Jagdeep, C. (2002). â€Å"Southern Asia Cluster: Where the Old Meets the New? † Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 16-27. Henry, S. (2009). Chinese Leadership and Emotional Intelligence. How Do Chinese Leaders Handle Emotions? Progress-U Limited. Retrieved on 8 Sept 2013 from: http://www. progressu. com/ezine-eq-for-leaders-2009-4. php Javidan, M. & House, R. (2002). â€Å"Leadership and Cultures around the World: Findings from GLOBE,† Journal of Business, Volume 37:1, 1-2. Jesuino, J. (2002). â€Å"Latin Europe Cluster; from South to North,† Journal of World Business, Volume 37:1, 81-89. Li, A (2013) South China Morning Post, Xi Jinping’s Emotional Intelligence Comments Spark Debate. Retrieved on 8 Sept 2013 from: http://www. scmp. com/news/china/article/1242750/xi-jinpings-emotional-intelligence-comments-spark-debate Margavio, T. M. , Margavio, G. W. , Hignite, M. A. , & Moses, D. R. (2012). A Comparative Analysis of the Emotional Intelligence Levels of American and Chinese Business Students, College Student Journal, 46(4), 776-787. Van Genderen, E. (2010). An Investigation into the Relationship between the Leadership Competencies, Emotional Intelligence and Leadership Styles of Russian Managers Working for MNCs. Retrieved from http://www. scielo. gpeari. mctes. pt/pdf/egg/vi5ni.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Gender and Emotions: Different Gender Shows Different Emotional Behavior Essay

Based from my observations, men are more action-based while women are more verbal-based when it comes to expressing their emotions. Women tend to misunderstand men because men tend to keep most of their emotions to themselves. They usually express their emotions through actions. Women sometimes, if not regularly, ask the questions–‘how are you doing,’ ‘what are you thinking,’ or ‘why are you doing this/that’–when the one they’re talking to suddenly became quiet or, simply, just to start a conversation. Some men find it sweet in some way if a woman ask them these questions but commonly men find it a nuisance especially, when it’s been asked repeatedly. Women, even the quiet ones, are talkative when the topic of the conversation is about expressing emotions or, simply, share experiences. They always search for someone that would listen to them whether the person they found is a man or a woman. If a man were to listen, they would usually hold back their emotions while a woman is pouring out hers. In expressing emotions, men act while women talk their feelings. Firstly, what is gender? According to the Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language: International Edition, gender, as a noun, is the â€Å"classification of words†¦according to the sex of the referent† (Webster’s, 1994). Gender classifies a person or an animal as male or female. In human, it classifies the person as a man or woman, boy or girl, or, male or female. Mainly, gender is what differentiates men from women. Secondly, what is emotion? According to Kendra Cherry, a writer specialized in psychology, child development and education and author of the article â€Å"Theories of Emotion: Major Theories in Emotion† in Emotion, stated that, â€Å"emotions exert and incredibly powerful force on human behavior† (Cherry, 2005). This statement is true. What a person feels can affect the quality of the work done in the workplace or in the school. Emotions can also have its effect during a family time especially, when negative emotions arise. When such emotions occur, people start making mistakes, being absent-minded, ignoring a person’s call, and many more. According to the authors of the book, General Psychology: Fourth Edition, emotion is a â€Å"response† of the individual which â€Å"involves changes† internally and externally. It is described as a â€Å"complex process involving minute physiological, neural, and glandular changes† in the whole body (2004, p. 180). These state that emotions cause a process to occur which involves socializing with others to get a feedback from them. Once a feedback had been received, the body will be stimulated to show the emotion of the person on the topic or on the situation. To simplify what is emotion, emotion serves as a glimpse into a person’s behavior through the changes occurred or is occurring in the body. Lastly, what is emotional behavior? Based on the book, General Psychology: Fourth Edition, â€Å"†¦communicating an emotion like the use of the hands and body movements, and gestures; but people seem to pay greater attention to facial expression† (2004, p. 183). This statement states that any movement that the body does show the person’s emotion at that moment whether knows of it or not. The human body speaks of what emotion is being kept inside such as anger, fear, jealous, joy, lonely, love, sadness, and surprise. These emotions are characterized with recognizable gestures of the human body such as–in joy, smiling is a sign that a person is joyful; in sadness, teardrops will fall, and many more. To put it in short terms, emotional behavior is described as expressing the emotion through the use of the body or parts of it. In this research paper, comparison and contrast will be conducted between men and women on how they show some of the emotions mentioned before. It will enlighten the reader’s knowledge on how the opposite gender may react on specific situations. It will also give the reader a small glimpse into the emotional aspect of the opposite gender. This research paper can serve as a guide in dealing emotions not only that of the reader’s but also that of others. I. Anger Anger, according to Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language: International Edition, is an emotion that shows â€Å"rage or passionate displeasure† (Webster’s, 1994). This means that anger is an intense emotion which might result to injuries. Even though it is an intense emotion, it can be prevented. Men and women show anger in an almost similar way. They only differ in the time it takes for them to go destructive at each other. Whether the person is a man or a woman, anger can still be a dangerous emotion. From the Christian Community Bible: Fourth Edition, the verse, James 1:20, states â€Å"for human anger does not fulfill the justice of God† (Bible, 1990). This verse tells that if a person is nurturing anger, eventually, this will cause that person to commit a sin or, as people would call it, a crime. Once, my high school teacher, Teacher Beverly Sumpio, had said, â€Å"Satan’s minions take pleasure on people with negative feelings by manipulating and causing them to stray away from the path that God has chosen for them† (Sumpio, 2008). This quotation states that Satan’s minions don’t waste time when a person is absorbing a negative emotion because it’s like food and entertainment for them. When a person is angry, there is a great possibility that the emotion can’t be compressed inside. If this were to happen, expressing anger shows shouting at others, destruction of things, and even, hurting their selves or others. In short, anger is a negative emotion that may cause destructions. Through my observation, men tend to release their anger by acting them out like the scenes from the movies such as punching a wall, kicking garbage cans, and even to the extent of almost destroying his room. But, these are just on non-human things. Things may get ugly when people are used as punching bags for an angry man and even worst if women are victimized by this anger. But, here’s one thing, most men would feel much better after releasing their rage on something. If men were to feel slightly angry, then they can compress it to themselves and hide it until surpasses. Therefore, men express their intense anger by acting it out so that they wouldn’t harm themselves even more than that of expressing them. When it comes to women and their anger, women are more into talking or rather shouting them out. Based on my own experience, when women are angry with each other, they talk it out with each other. If the person who is angered upon is not present, talking about the anger that one has with other people is almost like backstabbing. After telling a few persons and giving time to calm their selves, eventually, the anger will subside. In a fiery conversation, women both cry and shout at each other. The worst case scenario in a conversation is that when women start to tag at each others’ hair and rolling over each other because of the anger they felt. When things get out of control, women would become destructive in a way like throwing anything they could reach anywhere, shouting from the top of their lungs, and possibly, causing to carry a grudge at the person angered upon. As much s possible, women avoid conflicts because it takes a very long time to forget about the anger completely. According to Dr. Israel Helfand, a Vermont marriage and family therapist and author of the article â€Å"What Lies Behind the Anger of Men? †, stated that when men were boys, they were taught that showing anger is â€Å"unacceptable† especially when a woman is present (Helfand, 1992). If a man and a woman are an gry at each other, at first, the fight will start by talking. Then, it will quickly develop into a fiery conversation where both of them started to shout at each other. When the man feels like he is losing the fight, he has two choices to choose upon–to walk out or to raise his hand. If he chooses to walk out then he is not only saving his dignity as a man but also saving the woman. Why is he able to save the woman? It’s because scars and bruises wouldn’t appear and her dignity as a woman will also be saved. In a fight between a man and a woman, the man usually acts as the off-switch of the fight because it takes more fuel to make a woman engaged into a destructive kind of anger than that of a man. II. Fear  Based from the Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language: International Edition, fear is the â€Å"instinctive emotion† when a person is faced by â€Å"danger, pain or evil† (Webster’s, 1994). This statement means that fear can be seen when a specific situation happens. An example is when a boy is chased by a barking dog. Instincts would tell him to run or be bitten. In the end, the boy would run as fast as he can to avoid being bitten because he knows that it’ll hurt when he gets bitten. Fear strikes when the human mind knows that something bad will happen. As a result, it will instruct the body to avoid that something. In short, fear is the emotion that one feels when one is threaten. When men are faced with something that they fear, they try to hide it as much as possible. They don’t want anybody to see them frightened because they’re afraid of what people would say especially, when women are around. People would say that the man is weak when he gets scared of things. That’s why they chose to hide it or face their fear even for a moment. Men fear many things. Commonly, when men are afraid, they look pale, shiver in place, stop moving and sometimes, deny fear but the tone of their voices give the int of fear in them. They are not exempted of having this emotion because of their masculinity or toughness. Aside from God, there are varieties of fear. There are men who are afraid of going into a relationship because they fear rejection and responsibility. In the presence of a woman, they certainly don’t allow themselves to show fear because the woman might be disappointed if a man is displaying this. Men are careful when to show their fear in something. But, phobias are understandable because even men can’t hide fear when this type of fear is faced. Therefore, even men are sometimes afraid. According to â€Å"ABC’s of the Human Mind† from Reader’s Digest, in a woman’s case, fear can serve as â€Å"a protective device† (Digest’s, 2006). Why? It is because women don’t like to be hurt so they avoid things that might hurt them. This may show that women are always thinking about themselves but the truth is that women are just taking precautionary measures. When faced by their fear, women would froze in place, would cry their eyes out, would look pale as a ghost, would hardly breath, would run or get away as they could, or, the most common reaction, would scream on the top of their lungs then panic might take place. Women are very careful in choosing situations. They think of the consequences and the out come of the situation. If the outcome is to be hurt full on her side then she would avoid that situation. There are women who also try to hide their fear by acting tough. But, the truth is that deep inside their scared to the bones. An example of this situation is when a mother and a daughter got kidnapped. Now, this situation is commonly seen in several movies. The mother would try not to cry in fear in front of her daughter while the daughter is crying pools of tears. In truth, the mother is as scared as the daughter. But, she can’t show it because she knows that crying would increase the fear that is felt by her daughter. Therefore, the mother would compress her fear and tell her daughter that everything is going to be all right even though it’s not. To simplify everything, women uses fear to protect themselves and others. Fear is an emotion that might be triggered suddenly. Like it was stated earlier, fear is instinctive. When in fear, the human mind may take control of the human body. It can cause the body to move whether you want to or not. In handling fear, men are better in hiding it while women react at the very moment by either screaming or panicking. Men are more composed while women may breakdown. In an unexpected situation, such as being held at gunpoint by a burglar, men are more likely to fight back because it’s how they react. Women, on the other hand, would gladly give the things that the burglar is asking for to avoid being hurt. Men are quiet about their fearful experiences while women tell theirs to others who are interested in hearing. Therefore, fear is an emotion that everyone feels when something bad is going to happen. Men quiet down while women chatter more. III. Jealousy Jealousy, as the Webster’s Dictionary of the English Language: International Edition defines, is a â€Å"state of fear, suspicion or envy caused by a real or imagined threat or challenge to one’s possessive instincts† (Webster’s, 1994). This definition shows that jealousy is a mix of several emotions. A person may feel jealous if something important is being taken away little by little. Jealousy shows up when it involves two persons generally in lovers. Men and women usually try to hide this emotion especially when there’s a relationship involve between the two since jealousy shows that they have little trust at each other and it may cause the destruction of the relationship. In other words, jealousy is born when the person’s possessiveness over something is at stake. In my observations, jealousy takes a toll in men’s emotional state. The most obvious cause of jealousy for men is the redirecting of attention of the woman he loves. If jealousy is mild then they try to hide it. But, some men cope by acting them out. Like swaying back and forth, walking away from the scene, or turning away. Another coping mechanism of men is the devotion of his time, effort and attention on something else just to take his mind off the things that makes him jealous. If the woman he loves is mingling with other men, regardless if these men are friends of his or not, and he suddenly changes his attitude and tone of talking, then chances are that he is jealous. To avoid a man’s jealousy, the woman he loves should mingle less with other men aside from him. If jealousy has already grown then stopping its development is to say simple ‘sorry. If the woman knows that the man is jealous because of her actions then she would mingle with him more. By noticing what he does, poking his tickle areas, making him smile and even to the extent of being annoying might be enough to make him forget the jealousy. By doing these things, it can give attention and a sense of importance which he longs for. These factors are no t fixed because it depends on the situation and the personality of the person involved. In short, jealousy is obvious in men but that’s from what I observed. Based from my observations and experiences, women can be jealous because of many things especially, when their husband or partner is involved. When men ask permission from their wife or partner to go out with some friends, women would usually say these statements: ‘sure, go ahead,’ ‘okay, I understand,’ or, ‘it’s your choice. ’ They’re all positive statements but hidden behind those words is the irritating feeling of jealousy. Having your husband or partner spending time with someone or something else is very irritating to the nerves. But, no matter how much women hide their feeling of jealousy, it still can be seen in their eyes. They know this, therefore, they try to avoid eye-contact and make themselves busy with other things. A woman’s jealousy can go away as quickly as it came by simply noticing what she has been doing, or, for a more effective result, by spending quality time with her. Making meals for her, cuddling her, or whispering sweet words in her ears would be the right mix of things to do to make her forget about her jealousy and, possibly, make her fall in love again. Women like these things because it makes them feel important. Then, every problem during the day would just go away within seconds. But, take note, don’t let the jealousy stay too long because develops through time. Therefore, the longer jealousy stays, the harder it goes away. That’s according to my observation but, like I stated earlier, it still depends on the personality of the person. According to Dr. Gail Saltz, a psychiatrist, she stated in her article â€Å"Jealousy: Is It the Same for Men and Women? † that â€Å"jealousy is an emotion all of us experience at some point in our lives† (Saltz, 2006). It’s true that all men and women experience jealousy whether it’s obvious to the eyes or not. Women would try to hide their jealousy by focusing on something else or by agreeing to what their husband or partner is trying to ask permission for. Men, on the other hand, are almost the same as women when they get jealous but their jealousy is somewhat obvious in some way. Therefore, men and women express jealousy in almost the same manner. IV. Love As the Webster’s Dictionary would show, love is â€Å"a powerful emotion† that one feels for another and develops with â€Å"deep affection, devotion or sexual desires† (Webster’s, 1994). This statement has been portrayed in many movies. Many drama or romantic movies portrayed love as the most powerful thing in the world and this is true. Love can either be a bad thing or a good thing in a person’s life. Having someone who inspires, motivates and cherishes you can cause you to improve your performance in work or in school. That’s the good thing about love. The bad thing is when you fall out of love. When you devoted most of your time and effort into your relationship then suddenly your relationship would fall apart, you might give up on things like school, work, family, and even to the point of giving up on living. Based from my high school teacher, Sir Oliver Samson, he stated â€Å"†¦don’t give a hundred percent in loving someone. Leave some for yourself†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Samson, 2010). This statement means that you should also love yourself even not in the same percentage as you give to your partner. Because, loving yourself serves as a back up plan when your relationship would breakdown. In short, love is powerful that has good and bad effects. As stated before, men are action-based. They won’t say that they’re in love with a woman until they’re sure of it. But, before they confess their love, some simple signs would arise. Like getting jealous when the woman he loves is spending time with other men, trying to corner the woman to spend some quality time with her, joking around when in fact telling the truth, asking questions to the woman even though is not needed, giving his time when needed by the woman he loves even though he is very busy, doing just about anything to get noticed by that woman even to the extent of looking like a fool in front of everyone else, and sometimes, shying away when that woman comes close. Women find it difficult to tell whether he is serious of what he is saying especially, when he is a comedian type. A line from an anime series, Solty Rie, stated, â€Å"All jokes are composed of half true and half false. † This line is somewhat true because even a comedian puts some truth into his jokes. According to a friend, Jane Marie Tamayo, she quoted, â€Å"†¦even the smartest man can become a fool when it comes to love†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Tamayo, 2006). What she stated was true because, like it was stated before, love is powerful. It can change a person completely. Love can turn a bad man into a good one. The change can be noticeable. An example of this change is when the man is smoking then he suddenly stops doing it because his wife or partner told him it’s bad for the both of them. There are men who do what their wife or partner told them to do. This is where what Sir Oliver Samson, my high school teacher, had said comes. â€Å"Treat your wife like a queen and she will treat you like a king† (Samson, 2009). This statement also shows that a man shows his love by giving his service to the woman he loves. By doing this, it also displays his devotion to her and to their relationship. Therefore, when men express their love, they show it and later on, they say it. In the topic of love, women, on the other hand, say that their in love with someone. They would usually tell it to their female friends first. Men, relationships and the love life of others are the most common topic that a circle of female friends would chatter about. This doesn’t mean that women are noisy about other people’s life. It only shows that women especially, those who are single, are searching for Mr. Right. But, this search isn’t a walk through a park. It’s like searching for something that you know it’s one in a billion. Even though that this search is that difficult, all women hoped for a fairytale love story as their love life. There are some women who think of love as nothing. But, the truth is that they too hoped for this kind of love story once in their life. They just haven’t found their story yet or they got hurt in the process of finding it. When a woman is in love, she would devote her time and effort to the man she loves and doesn’t expect to receive anything in return and sometimes, shows concern like a mother. Always wanting to know what he might be doing and if he is thinking of her. Some would shy away. Others would deny it but it’s plain to see that she’s in love with him. Sometimes, women act differently if that special guy in around. A good example of this statement is when a woman with a strong appetite would suddenly become unable to eat or become a slow eater when the guy she likes is in front of her or staring at her. Nowadays, the statement ‘I love you’ can be said to almost everyone. But, for women, there comes a time when saying ‘I love you’ to someone will become difficult to say or it can be said but only once to a specific person. To sum it, women say it and may act it but there are some women who would say that there in love although they can’t show it because they may not know how. So when a woman says ‘I love you’ to a man that she loves and really meant it, it can be seen in her eyes that she meant what she said. Love is a complex emotion. People can become fools because of it. When a man and a woman are in love with each other, they experience joy in having to see each other smile. But, why do many love couples experience break ups? One reason is the happiness of one of the said couple. This statement is applicable when one of the said couple is showing more sad expressions than that of happy ones. To further explain this statement, here is an example. A couple is spending some quality time together but one of them is not enjoying as much as the other. Let’s say the man is the one who is not enjoying much. The woman with him would think that ‘I’m boring to be with,’ ‘he’s not enjoying,’ ‘I guess he doesn’t like me anymore,’ or ‘he deserve someone better. These ideas not only pop up in the minds of women but in men as well. Most break ups are hurtful because the way of explaining is not clear even though the intentions are good. There are people who are satisfied in just loving someone from afar. They’re the ones that would sacrifice their own happiness just to see that special someone happy. In short, men are into showing the love th ey have while women are more telling their love. Conclusion In the emotions that had been discussed, men are more on showing than women. Women, on the other hand, are more open which means that they are more into talking. The time span that the emotion becomes noticeable is also different like in the first chapter, anger. Women are noticed immediately when angry but they are all talk. Men shout as well when in anger but they go destructive much quicker then women. In the second chapter entitled as fear, men are more skillful in hiding their fears or their experiences of it than women. Women would show fear and after experiencing it, they would talk about it. The third chapter which is jealousy is a very interest topic to tackle. The most common reaction of a jealous man is the sudden change in attitude. In women, it’s denial. The fourth and last chapter discussed was titled as love. Men don’t say but show that’s why women are sometimes get confused of what they might be doing and for what reasons. Women, on the other hand, normally say it and sometimes they put it as a joke but it’s really true. Like I stated in the beginning of this research paper, men are action-based and women are verbal-based.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Case study epistemological issues

Case study epistemological issues This document may shortly examine problems and different components in-development study. I'll provide the meanings of improvement and used study and also the part of the previous towards the latter to begin. Consequently, I'll clarify border configurations and the epistemological problems in-development study. I provide their benefits and drawbacks and will also explain the study methods. Furthermore, I'll supply factual statements about rigor in-development study- connection and its structure to credibility. And also to determine, I'll provide, my own perspective, in several phrases overall study procedure in-development circles. Used study is understood to be a kind of research or unique analysis completed in order to get new understanding. "It's, nevertheless, aimed mainly towards objective or a particular useful goal ". (OECD, 2002: 78). About the other hand, improvement is described by Haynes (2008: 1) as "a vital measurement of individual existence, interpersonal relationships, politics, economics, and tradition". Improvement is generally from the socio economic development of group or a person of people. Provided these meanings, I will state that used study to development's part would be to supply findings and results that'll reply a particular question about improvement through the procedure of containing fresh details or possibly verifying current statements. Often, findings which are discovered legitimate are utilized from the investigator like a foundation of his/her tips that's aimed towards the control being included in the study. Various establishments such as the government, NGOs educational age ncies, etc.-can make use of the understanding that is acquired to be able to create smart choices which are meant for the development and improvement of culture. Plan-related analysis is just a typical instance of used research in-development. Plan-related analysis is conducted whenever a specialist really wants to collect info on a particular policy-to understand whether the policy works well and effective; to understand in what manner the policy could be improved; to recognize its influences on particular populace; to calculate its expenses and advantages to culture, etc. Potter and Subrahmanian (1998: 19) noticed that "various policies need various study concerns to become requested to be able to acquire outcomes that'll usefully advise these guidelines". In my own comprehension, this means that for every info that there is a specialist trying to find, there's an equal issue he or she needs to request originally. If he/she'll not have the ability to produce suitable concerns that'll create productive solutions the investigator won't have the ability to obtain the understanding he/she wants in working with a particular plan. The investigato r should also use resources and an appropriate technique within the study. Improvement can be an important aspect of our daily life. Educational posts, books and individual encounters reveal it is today a rising problem of culture and that improvement is definitely an essential component outside and inside the house. In my opinion that a broad selection is of complicated issues contained in our culture which hinders improvement. Thus, we require a multiple- procedure that is interdisciplinary like used study that's effective at coping with these issues. Study in development lately gave birth that I guess in handling issues of improvement is more matched. This involves involvement of and conversation between and one of the various stakeholders in procedures for example facilitation, cooperation and settlement which may be accomplished through the usage of various study methods where numerous stakeholders are regarded as stars. The investigator that's to possess understanding about the specific topic his aim is discovering is basic in virtually any type of study in-development. It's worth mentioning that every bit of understanding the investigator obtained has its source. Based on Kanbur and Shaffer (2007: 185), "epistemology may be the department of viewpoint which reports the character and statements of understanding. Variations in epistemological strategy underlie a typical difference within the viewpoint of social technology between essential concept/ and positivism, hermeneutics methods hermeneutics that are critical ". Sumner and Group (2004: 3) describes that "epistemology offers the philosophical underpinning-the reliability-which legitimizes understanding and also the construction to get a procedure that'll create, via a 'demanding' strategy (comprising the entire selection of study techniques), solutions that may be thought to be legitimate, trusted/replicable and representative/common". Nevertheless, there are how understanding is obtained numerous other balances and that I consider this like a demanding problem in epistemology. Conversations on epistemological stances change from one writer to a different thus the distinction between Kanbur and Shaffer (2007) wording which recognizes just three epistemologies specifically, positivism/empiricism, hermeneutics/interpretative and essential concept/critical hermeneutics and also the post of Schwandt (1994) including four, incorporating yet another named social constructionism. I'll briefly examine within the next sentences all of the stances described in both posts to become neutral. Among the epistemological methods in-development research may be the positivism strategy that is empiricism. This method is linked to the methodological position. It's understood to be "an investigation strategy based on a statement-centered design for identifying the reality or credibility of understanding statements by which "brute information" are designated an unique part" (Kanbur and Shaffer, 2007: 185). This strategy thinks that a real possibility is really available that requires to become established from the investigator which understanding isn't produced but just confirmed through findings and assessments. Positivist scientists are noticed as specialists who utilize common techniques that create legitimate sights. Furthermore, this method is willing towards the usage of visible, considerable and statistical numbers named "brute information" in order match or to verify the present truth. Another approach interpretative strategy. As Kanbur and Shaffer (2007: 185) described, hermeneutics may be the "interpretative knowledge of intersubjective meanings". Unlike positivism, this thinks that the fact is developed by the data that will be made by interpersonal steps of people's understandings in culture attracted from low-statistical definitions. "to comprehend a specific cultural activity, the inquirer should understand this is that represent the action" (Schwandt 1994: 191). in my opinion that knowledge of a particular cultural action varies for each translator with no meaning may be the same and formerly existent. This can be an approach to decoding and code steps to be able to create understanding that'll represent reality. Interpretative scientists also think that there's not one facts that presents cultural measures. Moreover, these scientists aren't considered as specialists and what might be legitimate and accurate for just one may possibly not be exactly the same for that others. The 3rd epistemological strategy is known as the essential theory hermeneutics. This method is in certain methods much like hermeneutics strategy except that additional measurements were put into its main thesis. Based on Kanbur and Shaffer (2007: 185), "comprehension involves essential evaluation of provided values and ideas regarding some fundamental understanding of reality or credibility". Locating the truth and creating understanding is not only interpreting and understanding steps that are cultural or converting the vocabulary of one. It's crucial to get a specialist to carefully study phrases and those things of individuals that understanding has been removed. He or she should be ready to look for the factors behind various values that should be ready to understand the roots of those facts and flower from numerous truths. Furthermore, "[ ] enlightenment [ ] is definitely an important area of the procedure for request" (Kanbur and Shaffer., 2007: 185). Hermeneutics is extremely centered on discourses/stories. Through seeking clarification from the individual whom the state is originating from thus, to be able to acquire understanding, scientists within this strategy should understand the actual meaning of the vocabulary. This method evaluations the observer's part. Schwandt (1994) additionally recognized a few modifications between this approach and also the traditional hermeneutics strategy. Tendencies are considered caused encounters and by prior understanding which are not naturally past in an interpreter's top, consequently, it's something which CAn't be gone. Customs, your encounters and existing understanding of issues influence/situation the way in which we translate and believe cultural measures. It's subsequently difficult for an interpreter to 'obvious' his/her brain before knowing a specific social activity. The final epistemological approach that compete for that interest of the low-positivist followers may be the social constructionist approach. Except that it negates the thought of illustration this method is nearly exactly the same using the two mentioned methods. "Cultural constructionist epistemologies try to 'conquer' representationalist epistemologies" (Schwandt, 1994: 197). this method thinks the individual brain don't simply translate or discover knowledge, instead, it generates it by creating versions, ideas along with other ideas utilizing our encounters, customs, prior knowledge, methods, etc. in a nutshell, we create knowledge based on what we all know and find out, hence, reality/the reality is observed via a person's contact. Methodology is definitely an essential requirement of study in-development. For each epistemological position, a related methodological toolkit is that's utilized by a specialist. The investigator should be ready to use the best option method in order to complete a great research. You will find three stances in improvement and study - the combined and qualitative -technique questions. The two are very different of every other due to their basic values centered on epistemologies as the one that is next, being truly a mixture of both methods is said to not be easy to simply accept because of insufficient epistemological theory. Quantitative strategy is related to the positivist epistemology so that as reiterated by Hoy (2010: 1), quantitative study is just a "medical analysis which includes both tests along with other organized techniques that stress and handle and quantified steps of efficiency." He describes that dimension and data are crucial to quantitative technique since these would be the contacts between even the fresh findings or scientific and also the numerical term of the connection. "Quantitative scientists are worried using the improvement and screening of ideas and also the era of versions and also the ideas that clarify behavior" (Hoy, 2010: 1). A quantitative study technique is better employed for 'what' and 'what if' concerns also it employs calculating and modeling of statistical information whilst the supply of understanding. A specialist often uses detailed data like regression excitement, etc. additionally, because the positivist method is followed by this process, it involves looking and understanding of the common reality by researchers who're regarded as specialists. I discover generalizations were more centered on by quantitative strategy, stating that it's the situation for several related occasions and providing response to an issue. Quantitative sometimes appears gainful in ways that it's a type of research which may be ripped, thus, may create results that are equivalent. Nevertheless, quantitative reports could not be cheap and time consuming. Additionally, this method can't quickly achieve challenging/marginalized communities and delicate data are also tough to acquired (Bamberger, 2000). I think that quantitative strategy, being the first ever to be recognized within the study industry, continues to be probably the most broadly-employed strategy in-development reports at the moment. Nevertheless, I can't state that it's the very best approach to use or it's much better than the following two that I'll examine. Let us now go to the study technique. This method is not fairly old compared to quantitative technique. Hoy (2010: 1) explains qualitative study being an approach that "centers around in depth knowledge of interpersonal and individual behavior and also the factors behind such conduct. The technique depends upon the reported encounters of people through casestudies, fieldwork and analyses. Researchers have an interest in finding patterns of conduct, discovering fresh suggestions and comprehension. " Qualitative strategy is most often utilized by low-positivist followers. It has a tendency to reply 'why' and 'how' concerns. Qualitative researchers exercise participatory study methods which include semi-structured interviews, person statement, discussion analysis, target groups, participatory analysis, life-history studies, case studies, etc. this method is believed to create quicker results and in the same period, is cheaper than quantitative methods like reviews. Challenging communities for example ladies, kids, minorities, etc.-are more straightforward to achieve by using qualitative participatory procedures. Additionally, methods are flexible with respect to those groups' tradition. Moreover, numerous strategies can be applied by qualitative analysts to team or possibly people without imposing reactions in it. About the down-side, results of the qualitative study are said to not be simple creating trouble within responses' approval. Because of the undeniable fact that this pro cess is diverse, it's also usually well undocumented and consequently, CAn't be ripped and/ or be compared. Unlike quantitative, topics/individuals of the qualitative strategy are chosen without sample that's why generalization is difficult to achieve. Finally, this process is challenging to manage whether interviewer is imposing solutions towards the study issue (Bamberger, 2000). Unlike the study, this isn't a precise technology but an awareness procedure that creates numerous solutions which vary with respect to topic and the investigator. This method centers around particular instances and never generalize topics of the research. For analysts, truth and reality CAn't recognized or be created by calculating information, but instead by creating, talking, and interpreting. Along with quantitative methods, I'll examine shortly the 3rd methodological strategy in research in-development that will be named the multiple-method study. Multiple-technique study is just a phrase used-to explain an investigation that includes quantitative study inside a simple task. This tactic might make one of the most from the talents of both methods in addition to offset the flaws (Bryman, 2004). I'll no further sophisticated about the faculties of the strategy since I have currently offered the faculties of qualitative and quantitative. This mixture of quantitative methods may be used to triangulate results. A specialist may cross check results of the technique utilizing another way of another strategy. Additionally, a direct result a questionnaire or any quantitative technique could be analyzed thorough utilizing a qualitative technique like example, in depth interviews, FGD, etc. (Bryman, 2004). In research industry, multiple-technique has been more recognized at the moment. I guess studies happen to be obtaining the impact that multiple-technique strategy is contrasting and should be obtained absolutely while not centered on epistemology. Quantitative might help viceversa and qualitative study. Whenever a specialist can't depend on to either technique alone this could also complete the spaces. Further methods might be used, thus, can also be regarded as extra. Nevertheless, it's very important to keep in mind that this method is inferior to mono-method study. Moreover, performed and this however must be totally created since the quantity of techniques/techniques utilized in an investigation isn't an insurance this one may deliver a higher-quality result. Last although not minimal, scientists mustn't respect this being an approach that's globally relevant to all or any study issues in-development industry which it may reply all issues in-development industry (Bryman, 2004). Even though that stances mentioned above and the epistemological methods have other opinions on various and truth way of learning, in my opinion that study style is similarly important to all. Border-environment is just a thought that is related prior to starting using the real study that any strategy should consider. The drawing of limitations is essential allow the investigator to pick which of the problems are actually essential to ensure that he or she overlook the others that are less essential to the study and may concentrate on these. Nevertheless, a specialist utilizing whichever strategy he or she decided to use should, obviously, be sure on his/her goal because this is the research of his in performing the research /her quest for understanding. Based on Blackmore and Ison (1998: 41), limitations "help separate, simplify and concentrate on what's essential in a specific scenario". A few of the limitations which may be regarded would be the following: (1) visual precise location of the study; (2) individuals of the study; (3) the part of the researcher within the study; (4) expected ramifications of treatments; and, (5) the investigatoris obligation and responsibility (Blackmore et al., 1998). Some limitations might be less mental compared to others. Some observed as the others are conceptual intangible and could be quickly attracted. One problem in working with limitations is how available (or not) the investigator is as it pertains to altering or altering the limitations of his/her research. Scientists should always keep in mind that limitations aren't set; alternatively, they're determined by actions or the modifications of his/her research. For that tangible limitations, like the two factors provided above, alter and it's significantly more straightforward to produce. Nevertheless, for conceptual limitations, those that are subjective and intangible, it's just the opposite. It's the appropriate personalities who decide the limitations of the research and also the stakeholders. The explanation for this really is that since individuals have reasons and various views, they often set limitations that are various . Moreover, their ideas introduced by encounters and understanding influence individuals. Thus, actually two people faced with the exact same scenario will likely have distinct viewpoint about the issue. With all this reality, the investigator can't simply understand the limitations of one through his/her comprehension. (Blackmore and Ison, 1998). Border environment in-development study might truly appear boring and complex; nevertheless, it's one important area of the entire procedure. Another essential section of study in-development is credibility. It would appear that "of all of the ideas of cultural study, possibly none continues to be as essential so that as difficult as 'validity'" (Thomas, 2006: 118). centered on numerous scholarly texts I've read, which didn't really provide me a definite description of what validity is but instead offered me requirements and indications of credibility, I will state that the validity of the research frequently amounts towards the reliability or tone of its results whatever research technique the investigator decided to make use of. But what is really credibility? Maxwell (2005: 106) claims that "credibility send [s] towards the correctness or reliability of the information, summary, clarification, meaning, or different kind of consideration". In-development study, there is a legitimate summary essential. To be able to accomplish this, it's essential for a specialist to truly have a steady and guaranteed foundation for his/her suggestions. The investigator should not be unable to protect his/her summary by sufficient facts or comparable reports that warrant and will verify it. There are numerous credibility assessments that the specialist might choose to utilize, specifically: (1) intense long term participation, (2) abundant information, (3) participant approval, (4) treatment, (5) trying to find discrepant research and damaging instances, (6) triangulation, (7) quasi-research, and (8) assessment. Nevertheless, it's worth-mentioning that Maxwell (2005) discusses credibility as something which CAn't be confirmed since it is not absolute. Credibility depends upon who's currently considering what. If one individual allows the state of the investigator perhaps that's since he possibly he or /she'd exactly the same encounter using the investigator /she'd an identical evaluation of the issue. Individuals are crucial creatures that concerns and uncertainties understanding. Then just how can the investigator show that his/her understanding state is legitimate if this is actually the situation? How can credibility be achieved by a specialist in his/her research? As previously mentioned within the wording of Maxwell (2005), the investigator doesn't have method of understanding totally whether he or she grabbed credibility in his/her study. Nonetheless, he or she may cope with credibility risks for example reactivity and investigator bias. To be able to remove investigator opinion, he or she should cautious to not affect the investigation together with his/her morals, prior understanding, values, etc. However, sometimes, individual tendencies centered on these specific things are difficult to dismiss, hence, exactly what the investigator may do will be articulate and truthful about this with these recognized in his/her research. Likewise, reactivity can also be difficult to pr event. Who the investigator is, hence, influencing caused by the research in addition to the solutions of the individuals often influences individuals of the research. The study might not absolutely need to get rid of his/her impact. He or she should just understand how to comprehend it and utilize it an effective method (Maxwell, 2005). Rigor in-development research moves mutually using the credibility of outcomes of the study. We are able to state that there is research performed meticulously in both qualitative or strategy if it reaches its credibility, that's when the summary it created is recognized as legitimate. Nevertheless, within the post of Sumner and Group (2004: 13), it's created that "the foundation for statements to 'rigor' pertains to the way the methods [in strategy] are utilized; that poorly applied qualitative and quantitative methods can lead to incorrect findings and various methods match various reasons." Rigor begins from producing the study style to creating the study issue then choosing which resources to utilize in addition to which strategy to hire. It's also worth recalling the techniques and resources utilized in improvement study have their various talents and flaws, they're not similarly ideal for all study issues, thus, it's essential the investigator chooses thoroughly based on the ne ed of the study and not just since it may be the simplest to make use of or it's probably the most offered at the minute. Quantity of credibility and rigor varies for each technique/device utilized in either of both stances. When the investigator is regardless together with his/her selection of resources and technique, then your understanding he or she will create could not be legitimate and may possibly not be appropriate to a lot of. I'd prefer to provide shortly my thought on study in-development to finish. At the moment, the strain among scientists in-development industry keeps growing. They nevertheless claim about the primacy of strategy and epistemology they think in. the same as a number of other scientists available, I will neither state which one of the epistemological stances is the greatest one or explain which one of the methodological stances may be the exemplary someone to use for scientific tests. I consider that are efficient and similarly trusted. It's only of utilising the the way of a specific type of study issue an issue. Every technique has flaws and its talents, that's no strategy is ideal. Nevertheless, I understand that some of them may actually create a great-quality study so long as there's rigor of course if credibility risks are avoided.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Should smoking be illegal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Should smoking be illegal - Essay Example The most popular of which is cigarette smoking, the other being cigar and pipes. There are some variations like the strange hookah of the Middle East or the water pipes found in a specialty bar round a city corner. The popularity of tobacco, particularly cigarettes, led to some cultural stereotypes. For example, cigar is used commonly by men. Experts point to several factors why smoking is prevalent. Among young people for instance, smoking is cool and for some, it is a passport to adulthood. Some adults rely on smoking to calm their nerves. David Krogh wrote in his book that people use tobacco to normalize their feelings within the narrow band necessary for functioning within an industrial society, where energy levels have to be carefully rationed according to expectations. (qtd. in â€Å"Wikipedia par. 35†) Indeed, smoking has become a lucrative industry that markets were now identified and there are cigarette variations targeted toward the young, men, women, professionals, sporty types and so on. Today some of the most notable brands - Philip Morris, Marlboro, Camel and Virginia Slims - have transformed themselves into successful brand identities and some, cultural icons, too. The major issue against tobacco smoking is the health consequences. So far this had been the most effective detrimental to tobacco use and a cause for those in favor of total smoking ban. Again, we quote the WHO on how smoking claim lives and produce grim statistics that have been documented through the years: â€Å"Tobacco is the second major cause of death in the world. It is currently responsible for the death of one in ten adults worldwide (about 5 million deaths each year). If current smoking patterns continue, it will cause some 10 million deaths each year by 2020. Half the people that smoke today -that is about 650 million people- will eventually be killed by tobacco.† (WHO par. 1) Researches have specifically found that smoking is a major

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The study of Society Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The study of Society - Essay Example For example, carnivorous animal like tiger or lion dependents on the annihilation of its prey like deer or rabbit for survival. The deer and rabbit themselves depend on living vegetation for food and survival. These situations are part and parcel of our daily lives. Hence, it escapes our notice and attention for major part of our lives. They have been so prevalent and ingrained as a phenomenon that we have failed to sufficiently go into the underlying forces and factors that influence them. It is not that attempts were not made. Biology as a branch of science has emerged because of the curiosity about various life cycles and their influences on environment as a whole. The study of biology and environment provides rich insight into their various forms, forces and marvels on micro and macro scales. From the budding of a flower to the formation of thunder, lightning, and volcanic eruptions, this world is one example of the vast terrain of greenery and marine life that hides innumerable volumes of destruction and glory biology and environment have witnessed. (Judith Lorber). The genetics of living objects and their mutability is currently one of the most modern branches of science. Genetics help in mapping pre-historic existence, DNA, deeper understanding of organisms, etc. Generally, the existence of biology is assured through the cycles of births and deaths, pollination, and other factors. We are aware the earth is no more home to gigantic and monstrous dinosaurs and theriomorpha simply because of its inability to sustain these. Other forms of life are also becoming extinct due to man's inroads into the domain of flora and fauna, causing conflicts heavily one-sided in favor of man. The intrusion of man into natural resources like gas, oil and metal is also causing environmental hazards inimical to biology. (Will H. Courtenay). At present, it is premature to decisively conclude biology's role in shaping destiny. Nevertheless, it is difficult to think in terms of destiny without biology. From microbes to plants, animals and humans, biology overwhelmingly dominates the physical framework of living objects. However, there is no evidence to state with confidence that biology has the capability to metamorphose and consequently shape destiny. II. Marx's views to contemporary period Introduction The working pattern and culture have changed radically over the past few decades. The changes have been driven mainly due to rapid advancements made in technology during this period, globalization, and the internet. The new pattern brought along changes and transformations from the organizational to individual levels. It metamorphosed the organizational hierarchy, improved efficiency, shook the mandarins of power, and weakened the trade unions. The information age following closely on the heels of the electronic era did much to advance the causes espoused by the manifesto of the communist party. On the demographical scale, the gap between the bourgeois and the proletariat increased, the rich and poor divide widened, the illiterate class felt the pangs of lacking in education, and prompted those with poor knowledge of the English language to quickly learn

Uninary tract infection ,hysterecomy,cirrhosis,Diabetic,cast Case Study

Uninary tract infection ,hysterecomy,cirrhosis,Diabetic,cast care,lntermittent claudication, eczema, - Case Study Example A teaching session is planned to be undertaken with Amy & her mum on prevention of constipation. Q2. Maria Poulos, a 40-year-old woman with two children, consulted her doctor about experiencing menorrhagia and occasionally metrorrhagia for the past 5 months. She was diagnosed with leiomyomas and a total abdominal hysterectomy was recommended. Q4. Sally Smith, aged 14 yrs, has been admitted for review of her diabetes. Sally’s diabetes has been rather uncontrolled lately and her parents are extremely worried. She is now on insulin TDS and her diabetes appears to be more controlled. You are on night shift and are doing a round of checking the patients - you check Sally and find her unresponsive, cold & clammy. Q5. Tara Smith aged four (4) years had a fall off the monkey bars at her day care centre. She fell on her outstretched arm which resulted in a Greenstick fracture of her distal R) radius. She is to have a synthetic cast applied to her forearm for 3-4 weeks. Bob underwent a left femoral–popliteal bypass graft 5 years ago and is complaining of intense right foot pain for past 6 weeks. He states â€Å"I sleep in the recliner with my right leg hanging down to get some relief from the pain†. On assessment he

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Nursing article review Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Nursing article review - Essay Example In prescribing drugs to combat these ailments, medical care providers place the responsibility of following the patient’s progress upon themselves. Patients, however, are susceptible to flawed human reasoning and do not always adhere to their prescriptions. With the rising cases of mental health issues, it is imperative that we understand the shortcomings of the health sector that impede delivery of health care. Coombs et al. (2003) analyze the impact of nurses on the prescription process and its subsequent effect on the adherence to medications. In the paper, they analyze the issue from the standpoint of a mental health worker. In the study, they aim to analyze the reactions of health workers on their opinions on the issue of prescription. The introductory analysis of previous works is commendable, in that the writers identify the significance of supporting the medication process since even little changes have drastic results (Coombs et al.2003). The methodology of a piece of research is dependent on the field of study on which the research is based. It also determines the approach and eventual results of the study. In their research, Coombs et al. adopted a case study approach, in which they identified a qualitative based framework. They used questionnaires as their main data collection tool and I believe that this was the most suitable approach owing to the experimental nature of their research. This is because their aim was deterministic, reducing the complexity of the research methods and requiring the exploratory framework provided by the case study approach. The sample size comprises of 76 mental health workers. Sampling was purposive as the researchers wanted to evaluate the experiences of mental health workers on patient adherence to prescription medicine. The sample size is appropriate for the theoretical approach of this study as well as the exploratory study into the effects of staff education. The questions, however, are subject to misinterp retation by the respondents of the survey because they are vague in the area of training and expertise. In employing questionnaires though, they ensured that the data collected allowed for the variability of responses. The results of the article present a well-documented manner with tabulated representations of the responses and the standard deviation between records. The researchers also noted the relation between increased monitoring by nurses and adherence to medication. Nurses’ training and experience in prescription also increases their effectiveness in dealing with medication and side effect issues (Coombs et al, 2003). However, the majority of nurses (88.5%) indicated that their medical training did not include lessons on prescription. In regards to the patients, the survey found that side effects had a negative effect on compliance to prescriptions. The conclusion of their article indicates the complexity of the issue at hand. Many factors influence the adherence to m edication, primarily the side effects experienced when under the said medication. The opinions of the people closest to the patients also influence their decision to adhere to their medication. Prior education of the medical practitioners also ranks high on the list of necessities for increasing prescription adherence. The article, however, did not monitor the practitioners at the workplace. This creates the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Investment decision Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Investment decision - Essay Example Due to high dependency on equity in the capital structure, total cost of capital went quite high (19.63 percent). The required return on asset is 18 percent which is less then cost of capital, so the company’s new project does not seems profitable until and unless the prevailing capital structure is modified. As per the market scenario in Kuwait, deferent debt instruments where determined to find out which one will be more suitable for the company. It is recommended that company should introduce more debt to reduce the cost of capital. As the market conditions are improving, the operating risk will go down and by enhancing financial leverage management will be able to boost profitability of the company. The company, Kuwait Cement was established in the year 1968 by Amiri Decree. In 1978 the first phase of cement plant was inaugurated by Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmad Al Sabah which had the production capacity of 1,350,000 tons per annum. The company started production of white cement in the year 1979 and the capacity was to produce 75,000 tons of white cement per year. With passage of time the company’s capacity to produce cement went on increasing and it reached 2,070,000 tons per annum by end 1984. Kuwait cement entered in contract with M/s. PEG – Switzerland for providing consulting services to the project of clinker kiln whose production capacity was 1.8 million. The other services which the company was to provide were management of equipment at Shuaiba port, storage of fuel and conveyor belt management. At different point of time the company formed contracts with many international firms to enhancing the production capacity and to introducing better and advanced technolog y. With the growing demand of white cement in the market, Kuwait Cement went on increasing the white cement production and by the year 1999 the production capacity reached to 170,000 tons as compared to 75,000 tons

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Questions - Essay Example One important principle of the modern model of organization is that the sensory system is parallel. This means that information moves between different structures along multiple pathways simultaneously. Another important principle of the modern model is that the system is functionally segregated. This means that structures in the system are comprised of different parts that specialize in different kinds of analysis. A third important principle of the modern model is that the system is organized hierarchically, which means that information flows through brain structures in a specific order based on how functionally and nueroanatomically complex they are. One way the olfactory system is different from other systems is that there is no thalamic relay when sensory activity is transferred to the olfactory bulb. This means that the olfactory system bypasses the thalamus; which controls the flow of information to the cortex. Another way the olfactory system is different is that the receptor neurons of the system are continuously replaced through mitotic division. This continual replacement occurs because olfactory neurons are exposed directly to the environment; therefore the neurons have a very high vulnerability and need to be replaced continuously. One effect of damage to the posterior parietal cortex is known as Apraxia, which usually occurs as a result of damage to the left side of the cortex. Apraxia inhibits voluntary action. One example would be not being able to lift your arm on command. Another effect of this type of damage is called Contralateral Neglect. This damage usually occurs on the right side of the cortex and makes the person unable to respond to stimuli on the opposite side where the damage occurs. People with this type of damage often ignore putting make-up on or shaving one side of their face; usually the left side. Another feature is called motor equivalence. This means that programs are stored at

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Cultural diversity Essay Example for Free

Cultural diversity Essay Cultural diversity is increasingly becoming as a significant part of many organizations and corporations. As such, problems that are concerned with intercultural and international communication occur and set in. Maintaining and nurturing effective communication techniques and methods within the organization is increasingly becoming a major concern for management and leaders of businesses and corporations. On the part of those in the organization, from the managers to the lowly staff, it is both an occasion for opportunity and challenge. The challenge for people today is truly real and necessitates action especially if one aims to make a niche for oneself. It is not an easy task considering that culture is one of the most difficult areas of study. It will take a lot of patience and persistence to be able to understand the culture of another – its complexity and composition and its traditions and taboos to be able to effectively communicate with one from another culture either through verbal language or in a non-verbal fashion. Another thing that must be taken into consideration is the fact that one is not dealing with one culture alone, but a host and in large probability, a mix of other cultures as well that are uniquely different from one another. There are, however, tried and tested principles which can be utilized and applied in order to achieve success in being able to communicate interculturally. The foremost and initial goal will be to encourage interaction, the basic thing to do is to speak in the simplest language to make the self understandable, send the correct message and make the instant connection. Next is to have the proper and correct set of values at work. It is also essential to withhold judgments and be able to show empathy and sensitivity for the cultural differences. Lastly, but equally as important, is to have the proper attitude and disposition – flexibility to make adjustments when needed and openness to learn and accept corrections. Individuals with intercultural communication skills are those with certain key competencies and characteristics and usually demonstrate open-mindedness, inquisitiveness, patience and self-awareness. These are the basic skills which help nurture a sympathetic, personal and intuitive approach to doing business. The social and cultural differences should be managed adeptly in order to decrease the prevalence of the consequences that may occur especially towards those that belong to the minority. In dealing with a multicultural population, free expression of thoughts, views and opinions should be encouraged especially in the workplace setting.By observing this, a sense of respect for the other person is conveyed, thus fostering trust and a harmonious working relationship. References: Blalock, M. ( 2006) Listen Up, Why Good Communication is Good Business. Wisconsin Business Alumni Update. University of Wisconsin Regent System. Chen, G. and Starosta, W. (2000). Communication and Global Society. New York: Peter Lang. Hochel and Roka (2008). Intercultural and International Communication for our Global Community

Friday, September 20, 2019

Virtual Reality A Modern Technology Media Essay

Virtual Reality A Modern Technology Media Essay Virtual reality is one of the modern technologies which was introduced a few decades back and has taken an important place in the field of technology in a very short time. it makes use of an artificial environment generated by the computer in which simulates the real environment. Besides gaining an immediate acceptance in the world of computer games, it is now being used in many fields of life including architecture, medicine, military and aviation. Scientists and researchers are expecting to explore a lot in this modern technology than what we know about it today. It is a great leap in the field of 3D and a lot of work is still under progress. The discussion below is an insight into the details of this technology, its uses, advantages, disadvantages and social impacts. The term virtual reality refers to refers to a modern technology providing an immersive, interactive experience using the three dimensional computer based graphic images. This technology creates an artificial environment with the help of computer hardware and software and is presented to the user in way which simulates the real world. The equipment makes use of a pair of special gloves, ear phones and goggles, the three of them being controlled by the computer. In this way, three of the users five senses are receiving and input from the computer. The goggles also act by detecting the eye movements of the user, thereby monitoring his actions. ORIGIN: The idea of virtual reality was first presented in 1930s, when the first fight simulator was invented by the scientists for the purpose of training the pilots. This was in an attempt to prepare them for the actual flight environment before being able to fly a real fighter plane. The invention got improvement in 1965, when Ivan Sutherland, an American, presented his theory of developing a portable virtual world using two tiny television sets, one meant for each eye. His invention worked, but to a very basic level. The images were rough and not clear. Another problem was the weight of the helmet used. It was quite heavy and needed to be supported from the ceiling. But the idea has actually got its base and now needed to be improved. Scientist continued working on this idea until in 1985, Michael McGreevy, from NASA introduced a much improved version of virtual reality. It was light weighted, using motorcycle helmet with mini display screens. It was also provided with the special sensors which were used to detect movements with the help of sensitive computer technology. Finally, during 1986, the invention got its final touch when a computer games programmer named Jaron Lanier introduced a new glove for virtual reality. In this way took the modern form in which we look it today. (Virtual Reality, 2004) TYPES OF VIRTUAL REALITY: There are three main types of virtual reality technology: The first one uses a helmet, ear phones and a pair of special gloves or joy sticks controlled by a computer and assisted by special sound effects and graphic images. The second one makes use of the video cameras. These cameras track the image of the participant in an artificially created virtual world. The participant can even move the objects in this world using virtual technology. The third type makes use of the three dimensional images. The screen used is shaped in a curve. This makes the images closer to the real world. (Nigel W. John, Joanna Leng (2001). CATEGORIES: There are six categories in which virtual reality can be displayed: Desktop displays, Head-mounted displays, Arm-mounted displays, Single screen displays, Surround screen displays and Volumetric displays. (Nigel W. John, Joanna Leng (2001). The head mounted displays are among the most widely used displays for virtual reality. In this device, a pair of display screens is placed right in front of the users eyes. These screens are attached to a helmet which the user wears. The arm mounted displays resemble a pair of binoculars mounted on an articulated arm. The user visualizes the virtual world by means of lenses. His virtual environment is controlled by his movements at an arms length and range of motion. Single screen displays use the Immersive Workbench products. These products mostly make use of a tabletop metaphor where the virtual objects give an impression of lying on the table top. Other types of single screen displays make use of a window metaphor. In this kind of display the image seems to be appearing in a large window opened into a virtual space. Another sort of display is known as CAVE, where the viewer sees the images in the form of multiple screens surrounding him as if he is present inside a large cube. The viewer can explore the virtual world by moving inside the cube. (Nigel W. John, Joanna Leng (2001). USES: Virtual reality is now being used in many professions including architecture, meteorology, military, medical and molecular studies. 1. Architecture. Virtual reality has been now used for long in the field of architecture. It has been used to establish the models of buildings before the construction is started. It has also proved to be helpful to determine how a building may have collapsed and to provide improvements in reconstructing a damaged building. 2. Weather Forecast. Virtual reality has also been used in the weather forecast profession by simulating the images with the data collected from the satellites and radars. 3. Military Training. Now virtual reality has officially been declared a part of the U.S military training. They make use of the environments created using virtual reality in whole rooms where soldiers are provided different experiences. These include the war fields as well as different exercises. 4. Cancer Chemotherapy. Another remarkable use of virtual reality in medical field is as a treatment for the cancer patients. Chemotherapy is a painful procedure for most of the patients, yet it is necessary as many malignant cancers cant be treated but their progression can be stopped by the chemotherapy treatment. It has been shown that if the chemotherapy is provided to these patients while they indulge themselves in some activity using virtual world, the pain felt is quite less that that experienced without it. Many chemotherapy centers are now making use of this technology. It is especially true in case of children suffering with cancerous lesions requiring chemotherapy. They feel the procedure less painful if they are allowed to play games or perform any other activity using virtual world and receiving the chemotherapy at the same time. Researchers explain this by the fact that three of the users senses become occupied while using the virtual world. These include, vision, hearing and touch. Thus the brain is actually distracted from the painful event being carried out. Images also play quite an important role in this treatment. The patient is given the option to select any image of his/her choice, like walking on a beach, or visiting an art gallery or performing deep sea diving etc. 5. Molecular Biology. The molecular biology is also making use of virtual reality in order to study the molecular and cellular structures. It enables the scientists to visit small sections of a molecule and study its properties. 6. Medical Studies. Virtual reality is now being used in medical studies as well. By using virtual reality, the medical students and even doctors can learn complex medical procedures without risking anyones life. In medical field virtual reality has been used in diagnosing various diseases using the images provided by other scans and then merging them using medical technology. (eHow, 2010) 7. Driving Lessons. In many countries now virtual reality has been used for driving tests as well. Apart from the actual on-road driving test, the candidates have to take a virtual reality based driving test as well which simulates the real environment. 8. Disabled Children. Virtual reality has also proven itself to be a blessing for the disabled children. A child who a wheel chair for moving needs around can gain an insight of many of the places which he cannot otherwise visit. He can select the images or environment of choice and go to the virtual world for flight, diving, walking, fighting, driving or many other activities. In this regard it is a great blessing for the bed ridden or wheel chair bound children or individuals. (itgs, 2010) ADVANTAGES AND DISADVANTAGES: The main advantages of virtual reality are as follows: Virtual reality provides the diverse types of data available in instant forms. It provides images from many different points of views. It is able to demonstrate the non-visible data to the user like in case of geochemistry. Allows a person to visit the places normally inaccessible to individuals. Provides an experience which can be repeated and revised. It can cover the education and knowledge related to almost all fields of life. Even children as well as adults can get benefit from it. It provides information in an interesting manner preventing the user from getting bored. (Weili Qiu, Tom Hubble, 2006). Virtual Reality 9 A remarkable research being carried out now a day is an attempt to make virtual reality usable by the blind persons in order to enable them to face the real world challenges using modern technology. Although the development of a virtual world can be considered as a great leap in the modern technology, yet a lot needs to be still done in this field. Given below is a chart displaying the possible harmful health effects of virtual reality: (Bing Images, 2010). The progress may be considered as slow mainly because of its complex technology. Other disadvantages include: This technique uses the computer visualization and digital techniques, yet it does not present the true three dimensional natures of objects. Although it is very close to reality, yet is unable to provide the feelings of touch, smell etc. It is still not as beneficial as being really in a field. Visiting a website using virtual reality is difficult and hindered by many factors like the network access, load on network and number of connections etc. Many websites accessed using virtual reality are ephemeral and not permanent. Yet needs much improvement regarding the teaching environment. The user may get lost over different websites, thereby increasing the problem of time management. (Weili Qiu, Tom Hubble, 2006). Some users complain of nausea and vomiting by an excessive and continuous use of virtual reality technology. CAN VIRTUAL WORLD REPLACE THE REAL EXPERIENCE? Virtual world is although quite close to the real world yet it is still unable to replace the feelings of a real world. As an example, the virtual reality technology is now being used for military training as well. But a soldier actually knows that he is not going to get any harm from any bullet coming from an unknown origin or a surprising attack. These feelings can only be experienced while being in an actual war field where all of a soldiers instincts are fully active in order to prevent him from any unknown danger, as he knows that it is real and he can even loose his life if he gets distracted from this actual environment. (Science Clarified, 2010) Similarly, it was found many years back that the pilots trained by using the flight simulators make mistakes while flying the actual plane. This occurs because of the actual differences found between the virtual and the real world. As for example, a flight simulator is unable to present the affects of simulation that a pilot feels during an actual flight. Thus, when he gets into a real flight, he faces confusion while experiencing the new sensation. Yet, this is a temporary problem and is resolved by allowing the pilots trained by flight simulators to fly a plane, only after twenty four hours have passed. These problems are although temporary, but they have raised questions about whether a long term use of virtual reality able to bring about permanent changes, especially in children, whose brains are still under developing stage and can easily be modified as compared to the grown ups. Some psychologists believe that a long term and frequent use of virtual reality is going to change the way, people are used to perceive the real world. According to some psychiatrists, a prolonged use of virtual world can make people avoid real life problems instead of trying to solve them. WORLDWIDE ACCEPTANCE: Although virtual reality technology can be still described to be in its initial stages, yet there are now about 61,000 commercial companies all over the world which are using the virtual reality technology to produce different products. Even at this basic stage, now virtual reality has become a part of the educational training at about 3,600 educational institutes all over the world. (authorSTREAM, 2010) There can be no doubt in saying this that the use of virtual reality has now increased to a great extent than the time when it was introduced initially, all over the world. Given below is a graph showing an increase in the use of virtual reality over the period of years. (Google images, 2010) CONCLUSION: Virtual reality can be described as one of the most important inventions of the modern world. Initially when computer was invented, it did not have much uses. With time, many improvements were made and computer started taking an important place at offices, homes and industries. Development of internet was a remarkable addition and it made the computer a necessity for every work place as well as homes. Likewise virtual reality was developed initially with a very basic knowledge. But now, it has started taking an important place at many work places especially those professions which are related to computer and technology. Still studies are being carried out in order to make further improvements in it, and we can predict its importance in the upcoming time mainly because of the reason that the virtual reality enables a person to visit any place or environment where it is sometimes practically impossible to go in person. One can visit the internal body, the space, the molecular structure s, deep sea, buildings, sky, planets or whatever one can think of. Science is amazing and the computer world is giving the mankind an experience of a totally new world which could not be imagined some decades back. Thus, virtual reality can be easily described as one of those inventions of science, which carry a great elasticity in them and with the research work going on in this field, we can hope to get even better results expected to bring great changes in almost every field using computer technology.